Dr. Dragana Jović Savić

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Institute of Physics
Photonics Center
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia
email: jovic@ipb.ac.rs
room : 368

2006 Ph.D. in Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia (Adviser: M. Belić)
Thesis: Dynamics of counterpropagating optical beams in photorefractive crystals
2004 M. Sc. in Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Thesis: Counterpropagating spatial solitons in photorefractive crystals
2000 B. Sc. in Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, Serbia
Thesis: Simon’s quantum algorithm
1996 H.S. Diploma, School of Mathematics and Physics, Kragujevac

2015-present Research Professor, Photonics Center, Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia
2010-2015 Associate Research Professor, Center of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia
2007-2010 Assistant Research Professor, Center of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia
2004-2007 Research Assistant, Center of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia

2008-2011 Visiting Researcher Postdoctoral position, Texas A&M University, Doha, Qatar
2004-2005 Optique Nonlineaire, Theorique, Universite Paris Sud

2011-2012 Humboldt Fellow, Institute for Applied Physics, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany

-Nonlinear photonics: surface waves, Anderson localization.
-Nonlinear optics: spatial solitons, optical patterns.
-Nonlinear dynamics: instabilities and chaos, transverse patterns.
-Photonic crystals: optoelectronics, photonic crystal fibers.
-Liquid crystals: spatiotemporal instabilities in nematic solitons.
-Solid state physics: photorefractive materials, effects and devices, band structure of solids and photonic crystals, laser-crystal interactions.
-Computational physics: computational nonlinear optics, dynamics of laser-crystal interactions. PDE algorithms, spectral beam propagation methods.


  • Wave propagation in optically induced photonic lattices.
  • Counterpropagating vector solitons and waveguides in saturable media.
  • Development of the split-step beam propagation method, and its application to a number of interesting problems.
    -Introduction of dynamical counterpropagating vector solitons and waveguides in saturable media,
    -Introduction of dynamical counterpropagating waveguides in optically induced photonic lattices,
    -Demonstration of angular momentum transfer and non-conservation of angular momentum in photonic lattices.


  • 2022-2024 Project leader, The Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, Program-IDEAS “Control and manipulation of light in complex photonic systems”.
  • 2016-2017 Project leader, DAAD Project, Serbian-German Program “Control of light by deterministic aperiodic and complex photonic lattices”
  • 2012-2013 Project leader, Humboldt Return Fellowship project, “Light propagation and localization in advanced photonic systems” (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany)
  • 2013-2014 Project leader, DAAD Project, Serbian-German Program “Light propagation and light localization in complex photonic lattice systems”
  • 2011-2019 Project leader, “Nonlinear photonics of inhomogeneous media and surfaces”, (Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Serbia)
  • 2011-2012 Project leader, Humboldt fellow project, “Anderson localization and surface solitons in optically induced photonic lattices” (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany)
  • 2010-2013 “Light bullets, fractional vortices, nonlocal solitons and surface waves for all-optical information transmission in photonic crystals, optical lattices, dispersion-managed systems, and distributed fibers,” Project NPRP 09-462-1-074 Texas A&M University, Doha, Qatar, QNRF Qatar
  • 2008-2010 “Nonlinear Photonics for All-optical Telecommunication and Information Technologies”, QNRF National Priorities Research Program, Project NPRP 25-6-7-2, Texas A&M University, Doha, Qatar, QNRF Qatar
  • 2006-2010 “Nonlinear dynamical phenomena in photorefractive media, liquid crystals, plasmas and left-handed materials” (Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection, Serbia)
  • 2003-2005 “Spatial solitons, vortices, and self-organized structures in photorefractive crystals, fusion plasma and ionosphere” (Ministry of Science, Technologies, and Development, Serbia)